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Our April 2023

A man with mecfs laying in bed with headphones on.
Position Statement

ME/CFS – what’s in a name?

Published November 2022  Statement   Emerge Australia uses the name ME/CFS as an umbrella term to encompass the varied diagnoses for which PEM is the core feature. Emerge Australia will continue to use this term until the science has definitively concluded whether the illness is one or more separate conditions, and there is consensus on a

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A stethoscope and a tablet with the words long covid and mecfs.
Health Professionals

GP Education at GPCE in 2023

In 2022, Emerge Australia’s Medical Director, Dr Richard Schloeffel, OAM presented the keynote address at four General Practitioner Conference and Exhibitions (GPCE) with overwhelmingly positive feedback. At these conferences, we demystified the disease by presenting the latest research and providing practical, applicable management options to create a better experience for the patient.    Another theme from our

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A person with mecfs holding a pen.

NDIS Petitions 2018 and 2019

In 2018, Emerge Australia launched a paper petition to demand better access to the NDIS for people with ME/CFS. After gathering 1400 signatures, it was tabled in Parliament by Greens MP Adam Bandt on 5 December 2018. We launched the same petition online and over 10,273 people signed. The petition has paved the way for

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A woman with mecfs wearing a headset in front of a computer.

Telehealth Campaign

In March this year, the federal government made a range of telehealth medical services temporarily available through Medicare. After many years of campaigning for telehealth services for people living with ME/CFS and other chronic illnesses, Emerge Australia and the ME/CFS community have warmly welcomed this change. The current arrangements were originally intended to expire in

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A group of people holding hands in a circle, united against ME/CFS.
Health Professionals

Management and Support

Although there are no TGA approved treatments for ME/CFS or long COVID, healthcare practitioners can do a lot to support people with these conditions. This includes helping patients with:

Energy management: pacing and rest
Step-wise symptom management
Practical support
In addition to our healthcare practitioner information, the Emerge Australia webpage has a wealth of information practitioners may find helpful to share with their patients.

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A doctor is providing support to an elderly woman with mecfs.
Position Statement

Access and equity for the NDIS and the DSP

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) aims to give people with disabilities (and their carers) choice and control over the services and support they receive but many people living with ME/CFS face significant challenges gaining access to the scheme and receiving adequate funding. Anecdotal evidence suggests many people with ME/CFS are rejected from the NDIS

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A graph displays the incorporation of ME/CFS in relation to the corona virus.
Position Statement

Post-Infection disease: Australia’s 10th National Health Priority Area

Emerge Australia strongly advocates for the Federal Department of Health to make post-infection disease Australia’s 10th National Health Priority Area (NHPA). The number of Australians living with post-infection disease is rapidly increasing, predicted to be over half a million by the end of 2022, due to a new cohort of post-infection disease patients: those with long COVID.[1] Such numbers will increase the already significant burden of post-infection disease on our health system, economy and society.  

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A man with a beard standing in front of bushes, representing mecfs awareness.

Positioner Test

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