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GP Training for ME/CFS and long COVID

This course is now CLOSED. Further opportunities will be offered shortly. Please use the sign up form above to receive updates on future education opportunites.

New CPD on ME/CFS and Long COVID for General Practitioners

This course may also be of interest to Registered Nurses, Allied Health and other medical professionals.  

long COVID and ME/CFS:  

  • diagnosis,  
  • Treatment/management, 
  • prevention through vaccination and other measures.

This popular advanced course, originally delivered at GPCE in 2023, has been updated and is now available Australia-wide.

***This course is for registered healthcare professionals only. It is most relevant for GP’s and other registered, primary care practitioners. By signing up for the course, you agree that you are a registered health professional*** 

People with long COVID often have symptoms that overlap with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). This advanced course offers in-depth knowledge and practical steps about how to diagnose, treat and/or manage patients with long COVID and ME/CFS, and prevent long COVID through vaccination and other measures, appropriate to general practice. 

This course opens on the 13th of May. You will be sent a sign in link to our Learning Management System (LMS), which will provide access to the predisposing activity, and all webinars will run from the LMS.  

You can complete the webinar component live, or by watching recorded webinars available within 48 hours of live sessions.  

How does this course work? 

This is an RACGP approved CPD activity for 4.5 EA and 1 RP CPD hours.




CPD hours 

13th May 2024 

Predisposing activity 

Short, pre-disposing activity opens  

0.5 RP 

3rd June 2024,  

6pm, AEST 

Lecture 1 

Diagnosis of ME/CFS and long COVID  

90-minute webinar, including 25 minutes for questions. 

1.5 EA 

10th June 2024 

6pm AEST 

Lecture 2 

Treatment/management of ME/CFS and long COVID.  

90 minute webinar, including 25 minutes for questions. 

1.5 EA 

17th June, 2024 

6pm AEST 

Lecture 3 

Prevention of long COVID through vaccination and other measures.   

90 minute webinar, including 25 minutes for questions. 

1.5 EA 

30th June 2024

Reinforcing activity due

Short, reinforcing activity 

0.5 RP 

Learning Outcomes:

      ✔  Evaluate when to consider a diagnosis of ME/CFS in long COVID and other complex presentations

      ✔  Apply evidence-based principles to diagnose ME/CFS, and avoid misdiagnosis

      ✔  Identify associated conditions often present in people with ME/CFS and when to refer to specialists

      ✔  Develop evidence-based, treatment and management plans to effectively manage ME/CFS and long COVID in patients who attend general practice

      ✔  Implement a COVID-19 prevention and management plan for people with ME/CFS and long COVID, including vaccination and other measure

Presenter: Dr Richard Schloeffel OAM

A man with MECFS in a suit and tie smiling. Dr Schloeffel graduated from the University of NSW in 1978. He initially trained in Intensive Care Medicine, then Isolated Rural General Practice, gaining his Fellowship of the RACGP in 1983. Dr Schloeffel worked in Rural General Practice and internationally until 1996. Since this time Dr Schloeffel has specialised in Complex and Chronic Disorders, especially ME/CFS.[/caption]

In 2020, Dr Schloeffel was appointed as a Senior Clinical Lecturer at Macquarie University in the Department of Medicine. He is the current clinical investigator for ME/CFS research, vector-born disease research and is in application for a long COVID government grant.
In 2022 he became the Medical Director of Emerge Australia.

For further information, contact Nurse Educator Kate Herbert at [email protected]


This is an RACGP approved CPD activity for 4.5 EA and 1 RP CPD hours.


Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Moderna Australia.

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