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Preparing information for your doctor

Many symptoms of ME/CFS can make communicating difficult. Some people who live with ME/CFS report that at times they struggle to recall information, lose their train of thought easily and find comprehending and processing new information difficult.

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A man with mecfs laying in bed with headphones on.
MECFS Information

What is ME/CFS?

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex and disabling disease that affects many parts of the body, including the brain and muscles, as well as the digestive, immune and cardiac systems, among others.

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A stethoscope and a tablet with the words long covid and mecfs.
Health Professionals

GP Education at GPCE in 2023

In 2022, Emerge Australia’s Medical Director, Dr Richard Schloeffel, OAM presented the keynote address at four General Practitioner Conference and Exhibitions (GPCE) with overwhelmingly positive feedback. At these conferences, we demystified the disease by presenting the latest research and providing practical, applicable management options to create a better experience for the patient.    Another theme from our

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A person with mecfs holding a pen.

NDIS Petitions 2018 and 2019

In 2018, Emerge Australia launched a paper petition to demand better access to the NDIS for people with ME/CFS. After gathering 1400 signatures, it was tabled in Parliament by Greens MP Adam Bandt on 5 December 2018. We launched the same petition online and over 10,273 people signed. The petition has paved the way for

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A woman with mecfs wearing a headset in front of a computer.

Telehealth Campaign

In March this year, the federal government made a range of telehealth medical services temporarily available through Medicare. After many years of campaigning for telehealth services for people living with ME/CFS and other chronic illnesses, Emerge Australia and the ME/CFS community have warmly welcomed this change. The current arrangements were originally intended to expire in

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A graph displays the incorporation of ME/CFS in relation to the corona virus.
Position Statement

Post-Infection disease: Australia’s 10th National Health Priority Area

Emerge Australia strongly advocates for the Federal Department of Health to make post-infection disease Australia’s 10th National Health Priority Area (NHPA). The number of Australians living with post-infection disease is rapidly increasing, predicted to be over half a million by the end of 2022, due to a new cohort of post-infection disease patients: those with long COVID.[1] Such numbers will increase the already significant burden of post-infection disease on our health system, economy and society.  

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A man with a beard standing in front of bushes, representing mecfs awareness.

Positioner Test

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What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is designed to give people with disabilities the support they need to live independent, ordinary lives. It is not means tested – anyone with any level of income or assets can apply, as long as they meet the criteria of having a significant functional impairment. The insurance-based scheme provides disability-related

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A woman with mecfs laying in bed.
Position Statement

Pacing and Rest Position Statement

Pacing and rest are individualised and essential management techniques for people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Pacing and rest promote safe levels of activity to manage post-exertional malaise (PEM), the hallmark symptom of ME/CFS.

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A stethoscope on top of a bed used for patients with mecfs.
Position Statement

Optimal Care Referral Pathway Position Statement

A national, Optimal Care Referral Pathway (OCRP) will provide all people with ME/CFS consistent care across Australia, using an evidence-based, best practice pathway that empowers patients and clinicians to navigate support of complex, multi-system conditions such as ME/CFS, and other post infection diseases, such as long COVID.

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Two individuals with mecfs holding hands, amidst a blurry backdrop.
Position Statement

National Disability Insurance Scheme Position Statement

ME/CFS is a permanent condition for most people. Less than 10% recover to pre-illness functioning and 20% of patients may worsen with time.[1] Despite this, many people with ME/CFS experience significant difficulties accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

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A man with ME/CFS is resting on a couch at night.
MECFS Information

Basics of ME/CFS

Join Emerge Australia’s Nurse Educator Kate Herbert as we dive into the basics of ME/CFS, including outdated and current understanding of ME/CFS, the importance of post-exertional malaise (PEM) in diagnosis, and management techniques such as pacing that you can use to manage life with ME/CFS.

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A woman with mecfs laying on a white bed.
For Carers

Caring for people with ME/CFS who are bedbound

People who are bedbound by ME/CFS live each day with limited energy and require a significant level of care to meet their basic daily needs.  
Approximately 25% of people with ME/CFS are so severely impacted that they are housebound or bedbound.

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Position Statement

Recovery Position Statement

The research literature about recovery from ME/CFS is inconsistent, making firm conclusions about recovery rates difficult. In particular, most studies of recovery don’t include a return to pre-illness function as part of their definition of “recovery” and would be more accurately considered studies on rates of improvement than recovery1.

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A poster raising awareness for MECFS.

ME/CFS Research Panel

Emerge Australia’s Research Manager Michelle Tavoletti was joined by leading Australian researchers, Professor Paul Fisher, Dr Sara Ballouz, Dr Chris Armstrong and Professor Ken Walder to unpack their latest local developments in ME/CFS research, as well as provide an update on the Australia ME/CFS Biobank and Patient Registry.  This session was designed for those living with ME/CFS,

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Building your Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM) Toolkit

Join Emerge Australia’s Manager of Patient Support and Information Services Laura Allen and Nurse Educator Kate Herbert in an interactive session to support you in building your post-exertional malaise (PEM) toolkit! This powerful session pools the collective wisdom of our amazing ME/CFS community to support you to come away with new tools to manage PEM.

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A poster raising awareness for MECFS.

Q&A with Dr Richard Schloeffel

Emerge Australia Medical Director Dr Richard Schloeffel OAM joined CEO Anne Wilson to answer all your questions about ME/CFS including ME/CFS symptoms, diagnosis, management, GP education and clinical guidelines. This session was designed for those living with ME/CFS as well as their carers, friends, and family members. Come along to gain a deeper understanding of

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A poster raising awareness for MECFS.

The Basics of ME/CFS

Join Emerge Australia’s Nurse Educator Kate Herbert as we dive into the basics of ME/CFS, including outdated and current understanding of ME/CFS, the importance of post-exertional malaise (PEM) in diagnosis, and management techniques such as pacing that you can use to manage life with ME/CFS.  This session is designed for those living with ME/CFS who

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A tsunami of ME/CFS is about to hit Australia.

Australia’s Post-viral Disease Tsunami Threat

Emerge Australia, the national patient organisation providing services and evidence-based education about myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) today issued an alert on a potential major hit to the Federal Budget and health services facing both major parties.

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A researcher in a lab coat documenting mecfs findings in a notebook.
Position Statement

Clinical Guidelines Position Statement

It is a matter of urgency for Australia to update its clinical guidelines for ME/CFS, to ensure that Australian ME/CFS patients have access to the best possible care, based on current understanding of the condition and latest evidence.

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A woman with mecfs resting on a couch.
Position Statement

Links between ME/CFS and long COVID Position Statement

Emerge Australia recognises the close links between ME/CFS and long COVID. Scientific studies indicate that the most frequent shared symptoms of people with long COVID and people with ME/CFS are post-exertional malaise (PEM), cognitive difficulties and fatigue.

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Two researchers examining a microscope during their study on mecfs in a laboratory.
Position Statement

Diagnostic Criteria Position Statement

There are approximately 20 different sets of diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS which have been developed over the history of the disease. This has created inconsistency in research, as different diagnostic criteria result in participant samples which are not easily compared between studies.

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Telehealth Position Statement

Emerge Australia welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement that Medicare rebates will be made permanent for online and over-the-phone telehealth services provided by GPs, specialists and allied health practitioners.

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What’s in a name?

Emerge Australia uses ME/CFS as an umbrella term. Research has not confirmed whether the illness is one condition, two conditions (ME and CFS), several different conditions or a condition with several subgroups. ME/CFS includes all diagnoses of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and ME/CFS.

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A magnifying glass inspecting a stack of mecfs documents.
MECFS Information

ME/CFS Facts

ME/CFS is a complex illness and has been misunderstood by doctors and scientists worldwide. As we move forward and learn about ME/CFS there are some important key facts Emerge Australia wants to share.

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An older woman with mecfs is looking at her phone with a caregiver.
For Carers

ME/CFS Explained for Carers

ME/CFS is a complex and disabling disease that affects many systems of the body. These include, but are not limited to, the brain, muscles, digestive, immune and cardiac systems.

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Two individuals demonstrating their autonomy and independence by holding hands amidst the quiet ambiance of a library.
For Carers

Autonomy, Dignity and Independence

As you continue to learn more about the needs and preferences of your person with ME/CFS, the importance of honouring their autonomy, dignity and independence has most likely become an important consideration for you.

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A senior woman is expressing her love by making a heart shape with her hands.
For Carers

Self-care for Carers

Since becoming a carer of a person living with ME/CFS, you may have made some small or big changes in your life. Self-care is an important part of life but can often be the first thing we stop when life gets busy or priorities change.

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