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Peer To Peer Support In The Community

Peer To Peer Support


Peer Support Groups vary widely from casual get-togethers at cafes, to informal meetings at local community centres, to structured meetings with agendas and office bearers. Some groups invite guest speakers to provide specialist information, some run hobby groups, while others run meditation sessions or go to the movies. Each group is different and is based on the needs and interests of its members, rather than a ‘one-size-fits-all’ model. 


The groups listed here operate independently from Emerge Australia. We list them to build connections within our community.

New South Wales

Blue Mountains ME/CFS/FM Support Group NSW 

Location Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, 9 New Street Lawson 

Description The group meets monthly in person on the first Thursday: 12 pm till 2 pm and every third Tuesday via Zoom from 12 pm till 1:30 pm.  

No obligation for participants to attend the entire meeting. You need to be a local, or almost local to join our support group. We cover far western Sydney and up to Dubbo as well. 

We are supported wonderfully by our neighbourhood centre. They supply a gluten free morning tea and a free room. We also have a Facebook page but only for our locals. We have over 150 members but only between 6 to 12 come to the meeting. We also support west Sydney and west to Dubbo 

Contact Belong Blue Mountains –  [email protected]  

Invisible Illness/Chronic Health Support Group 

Location Glebe, Sydney (and new additional location in North West Sydney) 

Description Casual chat over coffee / lunch. Majority of group members have ME/CFS/FM. 

Contact Russell – 

Tweed Heads (CFS/ME/FMS Support Group)  

Location Tweed Heads

Description We meet on the first Friday of every month except January at 10:30 am in the Activities Room, Home and Community Centre, Cnr Heffron Street and Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South. We have a casual get-together every third Friday at 10:30 am at Jack Evans Boat Harbour, Tweed Heads.

We are obliged to charge $5:00 for our first Friday meetings to cover room hire. We have been unable to find free accommodation for our meetings in the area. Tea, coffee and biscuits and a lucky door prize are supplied at no cost. There is a large monitor supplied with the room which we use to show Utube videos relating to me/cfs. Those who are interested usually go for lunch after the meeting.  

Contact Bronwyn [email protected]

Café Club 


Chat From Home: 4th Saturday of each month 2pm – 3pm   

In Person Cafe Clubs:
Wollongong: 2nd Thursday of the month: 11.00am – 12 noon 
Woonona 3rd Thursday of the month: 11.00am – 12 noon 
Kiama 3rd Thursday of the month: 11.00am – 12 noon 
Shellharbour: 4th Thursday of the month:  11.00am – 12 noon 

Description Supporting people in the Illawarra and surrounding regions with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM), as well as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), long COVID and other related neuroimmune conditions 

Contact  Co-ordinators: John & Winsome 
Email: [email protected] 


ME/CFS/FM Support Group Newcastle District

Location Newcastle, NSW –

Description Newcastle has a strong local CFS/FM Facebook group with over 150 members. They try to meet a few times a year, however they are a bit short on admins and volunteers to arrange them. Face to face meetings are health (and volunteer) dependent, but the online group response and support is very strong. 

Hobart Support Group  

Location The Elizabeth Lounge, 29 Elizabeth Street, Hobart CBD

Description We meet last Monday of every second month 10:30 am -12 pm. 

We are diverse folks with some shared challenges and experiences with  ME/CFS, who welcome you and look forward to meeting you! 

Meetup locations may change but are always chosen for the comfort of ME/CFS bodies in this era of COVID-19. 

Contact Jenna  [email protected] 


ME+ Connect Group Perth

Location Facebook, Perth WA

Description – The ME+ Connect Group Perth host as facebook group and organise zoom catch from time to time.

ME/CFS Support Support Association Qld Inc

Location PO Box 125, Queensland, Toowoomba 

Description We meet the 1st Wednesday of each month (except January) from 10am – 12.00pm at the Dr Price Room, Little Street Toowoomba. There is no cost to attend meetings, tea and coffee is supplied. We support sufferers of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Long Covid

Contact: Lyn Wilson  
Email: [email protected]


We’re looking for ME/CFS community support groups to share with the people that need peer to peer connection the most. If you run a support group or know of a peer support group in SA, get in contact with us by clicking here and filling out the form 

Geelong ME/CFS Support Group 

Location Geelong, Victoria – Meets at Noble St Uniting Church, enter from rear of church, Saffron St, Newtown. 

Description   We meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month, with the exception of November, where we still meet, however on the 2nd Tuesday of that month due to Melbourne Cup Day. 

We have a Christmas breakup in December which all are welcome to attend. 

We meet monthly to offer support to people with ME/CFS or other related illnesses, their carers, friends or family members. We occasionally have guest speakers and also have been involved in research studies with Deakin University. We have a library and happy to provide resources and support to those who need it. We hold 1-2 awareness days each year to try and raise awareness and also advocate for those who dont have a voice.

Contact Susan –  [email protected] 

The Café Club (Inner Melbourne Social Group) 

Location Richmond, St Kilda and Fitzroy, Victoria (Zoom meeting only) 

Description Our group is a friendly and informal one where we share experiences and information and make new friends. We used to meet at different cafes each month and have other face to face social events, but since Covid we’ve
been purely an online group. We meet on Zoom on the 4th Sunday of each

Contact Jane – [email protected] 

Café Connect for ME 

Location Bendigo, Victoria 

Description The group meets monthly at a cafe or a park. We provide a social connection for people who live with ME/CFS and carers of those with ME/CFS. 

Contact Diane – [email protected] 

Bayside ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Peer Support Group

Location Bentleigh

Description Our group is for both Carers and those living with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia. Meet on the fourth Monday of the month at a Community House in Bentleigh, 11 am – 1 pm. We also do meetings on Zoom, and strive to have occasional social gatherings/lunches throughout the year.

Special considerations, this group is independent to Emerge Australia and only take new people in who have lived experience greater than 3 years. 

Contact – [email protected]

We’re looking for ME/CFS community support groups to share with the people that need peer to peer connection the most. If you run a support group or know of a peer support group in the NT, get in contact with us by clicking here and filling out the form 

  • We’re looking for ME/CFS community support groups to share with the people that need peer to peer connection the most. If you run a support group or know of a peer support group in the ACT, get in contact with us by clicking here and filling out the form 
Parents of Young People with ME/CFS Australia 

Location Australia Wide –

Description Parents of Young People with ME/CFS Australia is the only Australian-based support group for families with children who have ME/CFS, predominantly school-aged from primary to young adults. It was founded in 2018 and currently has 330+ members, with discussions including education and non-traditional approaches to schooling such as Distance Education, health issues and management, and accessing government supports such as NDIS, DSP and carers payments. 


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