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ME/CFS Pacing App

We would like to introduce to you the ME/CFS Pacing App created by our generous contributor, Mathew Blake. The app is designed to help people with mild to moderate ME/CFS better manage their daily energy use and adjust their pacing habits as needed. The app is not designed to manage all symptoms that ME/CFS can cause but to help users to reduce how often they experience post-exertional malaise (PEM). 

How does the App work? 

The ME/CFS Pacing App allows you to log your daily activities and use its personalised “energy currency” system to better manage your daily energy. You decide how much each activity is worth within this currency to you. For example, reading a book takes a different amount of energy for each person and you chose how many points from your “energy currency” to give each activity. This allows the user to see visually where in the day they used too much energy and what days were well balanced. 

The ME/CFS Pacing app is available via the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for free.  

What is pacing?  

Pacing is a strategy designed to help people live within their energy envelope and minimise PEM. It can help to improve your quality of life and reduce symptoms. Pacing is considered to be an important self-management tool by doctors and patients around the world. Pacing and rest are currently the most effective management tools for people with ME/CFS.  

For more information on pacing, click here

We want to hear from you

Everyone’s experience with ME/CFS is different, it is important to remember that how helpful you find the app will be different from person to person. Apps always have room to improve, that’s why we would like to hear the community’s thoughts on it. You can tell us about your time on the app by clicking the button below and filling out a quick and easy survey. 

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