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Emerge Australia partners with Merri Health

For many in our community, carers make a big difference; they are often unpaid loved ones, such as grandparents, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, partners, children and friends. A carer might look after someone 24 hours a day and help with daily activities. Or, they might look after someone who only needs a little bit of help.

The carers who reach out to Emerge Australia provide much more than practical support, they offer love, a warm hug, and provide care that is tailored to their loved one’s individual needs. They often become the voice, advocate and care coordinator and to you we are grateful.

To support carers in our community, Emerge Australia is proud to announce a collaboration with Carer Gateway and Merri Health, the lead service provider of Carer Gateway in Victoria. Carer Gateway is a free, Australian-wide service for unpaid carers, offering supports and services that meet individual needs and circumstances. Through this collaboration, Emerge Australia aims to assist those caring for individuals with ME/CFS or long COVID by connecting them with the services and supports provided by the Carer Gateway program. Additionally, this collaboration seeks to raise awareness about the needs of our carer community, helping to bring ME/CFS and long COVID out of the shadows.

It’s never too early or too late to get support as a carer. You can always make changes that will improve your health and wellbeing. You might not know what help to ask for – and that is OK. Carer Gateway can help you understand what support is available and right for you, wherever you live or who you care for.

Reach out to Carer Gateway today to find out how they can help and support you.
  • Do you regularly look after a family member or friend with disability, mental illness, age or health issues?
  • Do your caring responsibilities affect your ability to work, study or socialise?
  • Are you looking for some support to make life easier?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Carer Gateway can help you.

What is Carer Gateway?

Carer Gateway is a free support service funded by the Australian Government designed by carers for carers. It provides a range of free support and local services to give carers the help they need, improve their wellbeing, skills and knowledge. Services are free and available in-person, online or over the phone.

Anyone may become an unpaid carer even temporarily. Carers can be any age and could be caring for anyone, a parent, friend, child, sibling or neighbour. It may be because they have disability, a medical condition, mental illness or are frail due to age.

Services available through Carer Gateway include:

Reflect on how your caring role impacts your life and learn new ways to manage stress and improve your wellbeing.

  • Self-guided coaching – undertake online interactive courses.

If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, sad or frustrated, a professional counsellor can talkwith you about your worries and offer help.

  • In-person – speak one-on-one with aprofessional counsellor in your local area.
  • Phone counselling – speak with acounsellor over the phone in the comfortof your own home.
Respite Care
  • Emergency respite – get assistance looking after the person you care for if an unplanned event prevents you from being able to provide care. For example, if you are ill or injured.
  • Planned respite – plan for regular breaks to rest and recharge while respite services look after the person you care for.
Connect with other carers

Meet with people in similar caring situations and share your stories, knowledge and experience.

  • In-person – meet local carers, share advice and learn from each other in a safe space.
  • Online forum – join the online forum and be part of a supportive community with other carers.
Online skill courses

Learn new skills in caring for someone and your own wellbeing, including dealing with stress and legal issues.

Tailored support packages

Get tailored support to assist you in your caring role.

  • One-off practical support in the form of equipment or an item to assist you in your caring role.
  • A range of ongoing practical supports, such as planned respite or transport, provided over a twelve-month period.
How do I contact Carer Gateway?

Visit or call 1800 422 737 Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm.

If you require an interpreter you can access the service by contacting the National Translating and

Interpreting Service on 131 450.

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the National Relay Service. For further information please visit

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